Mojo Helpdesk makes it easy to keep track of customer satisfaction by collecting satisfaction ratings based on a 5-star system called the Mojo Number. When a user closes a ticket, they have the opportunity to provide feedback on the service they received. The feedback options range from “unsatisfied” to “great job.”
Mojo assigns a rating of 1 to 5 stars based upon the feedback. Each star counts for 20 points, meaning feedback of “great job” would result in 100 points, whereas feedback of “unsatisfied” would equal 20 points. The Mojo Number takes an average of your last 30 tickets to calculate a staff member’s or a queue’s user satisfaction rating. This rating is displayed on your helpdesk as My Mojo.
Both customer service representatives and helpdesk owners will find the Mojo Number helpful in improving customer satisfaction. Representatives can use the number to keep an eye on their customer feedback and work to increase it. Owners can keep an eye on their staff’s ratings and determine which queues or team members need some help to improve ratings and which are going above and beyond for the customers. Managers can use the number to set goals for staff and even competitions to see who can rank the highest.
The Mojo Number helps ensure every customer leaves satisfied and happy with the support your company provides.