Win Awesome Prizes in Our Support Portal Design Contest

Help Center
 If you haven’t already, today’s a great day to start remodeling your support portal so you can win the contest.We’ve redesigned our Mojo Helpdesk Help Center, now we want to see what you can do. That’s why we’re holding a contest for Mojo customers to see who has the best support portal design.

CLICK HERE to enter the contest

Contest Details

The Mojo team will choose 3 prize winners based on the look & feel of their support portal and award bonus points for incorporating the knowledge base and news column features.

The last day to enter the contest is Friday, October 25th. Winners will be notified via email shortly after the deadline.

It takes less than 30 seconds to enter.

CLICK HERE to enter the contest


Grand Prize: Das Keyboard prize pack which includes a Model S Professional Keyboard, the new Das Keyboard Space Pen, the Das Keyboard Messenger Bag, and the Das Keyboard Hackshield Wallet. (Retail value of ~$400)
2nd place: $75 Amazon gift card3rd place: $50 Amazon gift card


 How do I customize my support portal?

Login to Mojo Helpdesk , click manage >> ‘support portal’ >>’design’.   From there, simply choose a theme, pick your colors, click save, and voila… your help center will look amazing.

There’s no coding or HTML knowledge necessary, although HTML is supported if you want to get real fancy.

How can I try Mojo?

Get a free 30 day trial by signing up at the Mojo Helpdesk home page.

Help Center

###Check out the new Mojo  Helpdesk Help Center and then customize the design of your own support portal to win awesome prizes.

Filed under: News