Check Yourself: Five Habits that Destroy a Productive Workday

Desperate employed man
 Do you work really hard but never seem to get much done? We feel your pain. Mojo Helpdesk is all about streamlining tasks and making it easier to see what work requests are in progress.

Desperate employed man
Ditch these five habits to instantly increase your productivity.


With that in mind, check out five habits that we’ve ditched in order to be more efficient and productive:

1. Keeping a cluttered office.

Clutter causes anxiety, so we recommend getting rid of it altogether. Keep the majority of your documents in one place or in the cloud. Your workspace should allow you to jump right into a project with no paper shuffling needed.

2. Multitasking nonstop.

Working with ticketing software requires a certain amount of multitasking ability in order to be effective. However, there’s a difference between being flexible and being unproductive. Make sure to allocate several chunks of time each day to just completing one set task or working on one specific project.

3. Encouraging distractions.

Working in an open environment is common, especially if your organization encourages employee collaboration (like we do at Mojo Helpdesk!) But there are plenty of ways to both work closely and stay focused.

4. Writing lengthy to do lists (and never completing them).

If your to do list is unmanageable, you’re not writing it correctly. Trying to fit too many tasks into one day leads to mistakes and uncreative work. Focus on executing a set amount of projects, and be sure to leave enough time for troubleshooting.

5. Refusing to have fun at work.

Work is an inevitable part of life. But that doesn’t mean that it has to be monotonous torture. Find ways to fit some excitement in your day, either by listening to upbeat music while working or getting to know your coworkers. Never forget: Those who play together stay together.

Now we want to hear from you. What habits have you ditched in order to be more productive? Share with us on Twitter @mojohelpdesk or leave us a comment below.

Filed under: Productivity