Occasionally, our customers ask us to add a feature to our help desk software that allows multiple people to be assigned a help desk ticket. We always politely refuse. Read more
How Businesses ACCIDENTALLY Demotivate their Help Desk Technicians
One thing I've observed in these forums is that many IT professionals are frustrated by how businesses treat them.As Community Manager and Level 1 Support for a help desk software company I regularly visit online forums for sysadmins, help desk technicians,...
Write a Sales Proposal That Doesn’t Suck
I used to write sales proposals pitching Fortune 500 clients on $XXX,XXX consulting projects. One thing I remember about writing those sales proposals was the presence of FEAR. Fear of getting rejected... Fear of making embarrassing typos... Fear of copy-pasting...
30 Funny Tech Support Quotes
Swimming in tech support requests? Sometimes it helps to have a good chuckle. These are our favorite tech support quotes. Check out some of our previous list of funny tech support quotes.Read more
How to Use Google Docs to Promote ESL Parent Involvement
We recently reached out to one of our education partners, Dr. Chris Craft, to get his take on special technology tips & tricks that are often overlooked by educators. His response came back almost immediately. He was surprised that many...
How to Stop Hating Conference Calls
At 22, I worked as an analyst for a consulting firm. My division specialized in consumer research for secret new products developed by companies like P&G; and Coca-Cola. The work was interesting, but I didn't have much in common with...
How IT Consultants Use a Hosted Helpdesk to Manage Client Requests
Mark and Melissa Gallagher are co-owners of Moon Rivers Media, an IT solutions company based in New Hampshire. Read more
How to Turn Tweets into Helpdesk Tickets
You may not have asked for it, but it's happening. Your clients are using Twitter to reach out to you when they need customer support.Read more
How To Save $1,500 to $21,300 A Year on a Helpdesk…
How much does web hosted help desk software really cost? What is the yearly investment required to run web hosted ticket tracking & request tracking software? How much budget should I set aside to equip our customer service team with...