We have done more improvements for our favorite online ticket tracking service: the API has now the facility to create tickets and comments, the search facility has been greatly improved as well. For more information about Mojo Helpdesk 1.3.0 visit...
Metadot 7: The Last Touches
We have been collecting the feedback from our first distribution of Metadot 7 based on Ruby on Rails. So far so good: we have found no major issues, just tweaks to be done in the installation scripts. For those who...
Time Tracking For Mojo Helpdesk
We added a time tracking feature to Mojo Helpdesk, our hosted ticket tracking service. You can now track how much time your tech staff spends helping customers and get statistics per tech, customers, queues, so you know where the real...
ABC News: Das Keyboard, The Reason Why
According to Richard Hart, ABC journalist: "Das Keyboard has a great feel, because it uses classic mechanical switches. No labels on the keys. Why? To force you to learn to touch type, das why." Full article here.
All-you-can-eat Das Keyboard
For the culinary demanding users, we have now an answer. Scott Thomsen from Agave Design sent us a pointer to the waffle keyboard. Read more
Useful Web: Try This On The New York Times.
Go to the New York Times and double click on any words. You'll see a pop up windows with its definition! Quite handy.
Watch & Listen to Das Keyboard II
Das Keyboard II: the keyboard that clicks. Watch and listen to this YouTube video from modology. It seems that mechanical key switches are addictive to many users...[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twuPDqWihN0]For more information go to www.daskeyboard.com.
New: Montastic Mac Widget
Thanks to Jim Menard, Montastic now have its Apple Mac OS X widget.
Announcing Metadot 7
Over the last months, we worked very hard to develop Metadot 7. We are pleased to announce that it is finally around the corner.Metadot 7 is the easiest-to-use, most intuitive content management system, portal server, wiki or site builder that...
Metadot.com fighting back against spammers
Spam is a growing problem for blogs, open discussions, wikis, and also our Metadot.com site. We recently got hit pretty badly.Metadot.com has been providing a free web space to all registered users for years. Everything was great and some 7000...